Let them eat dirt!
From The Advocate - Feb. 14, 2008 Web expert Stafford Kendall lightened the recipe of the popular Dirt Cake and said she thought the reduced-calorie version was just as delightful as the full-fat one.
From The Advocate - Feb. 14, 2008 Web expert Stafford Kendall lightened the recipe of the popular Dirt Cake and said she thought the reduced-calorie version was just as delightful as the full-fat one.
My friend Andy Kopplin is running for Congress -- give me a little time and I'll have andykopplin.com up and running! Stafford
Steve was talking about going to see characters at DisneyWorld. Quinn said, "yeah, we'll see Eeyore, and Tigger, and Pooh!" Steve said, "And Mickey Mouse. Don't forget Mickey Mouse. But, you know, sometimes Mickey Mouse is a girl."
"Football is the Opiate of the Masses" "Why not bring back opium as the opiate of the masses?"
Here’s a long (pretty boring) article by my favorite Internet guru, in which he uses math to explain the time-value of information. He finally gets to the point near the end (an ironic twist considering the subject of this piece) with this paragraph: But the very best content strategy is one that mirrors the users'…
Naturally, the best thing to use for Photo editing is PhotoShop. PhotoShop Elements is the cheapest version of it that allows you to do what you need to do for Web site editing. However, here’s a Web site that a friend of mine uses: