
Almost to embers

Almost to embers

Almost to embers, we were minutes away.Minutes away from a flame extinguished,From lack of fuel, in the form of time,From lack of air, in the form of words,And lack of heat, in the form of cold, icy looks Cold touched my heart.And you blew me away,With your words.With your time.With your smile In the face of…

1920 2560 Stafford Wood
The Foothills

The Foothills

The foothills are born in the shadow of the mountain knowing they’re smaller, knowing they’re easier They’ll have more frequent visitors,knowing someone will often reach their peak. Their sides have a slope, an easier climb but never reaching the heights of the mountain behind.  While the mountain is lonely. The temperature is colderbut they always know…

2560 1920 Stafford Wood
Noun verb.

Noun verb.

Noun verb. Verb. Verb. Verb. Pronoun verb adjective noun. Pronoun verb noun. Pronoun adverb verb noun. Noun. Preposition article adjective noun.

2560 1920 Stafford Wood
If the bough breaks

If the bough breaks

As the weight of the snow bends the bough,I consider the weight of the world.The branch could crackAnd part of it will be lostLeaving a scarAnd a feeling in the treeThat it is incomplete.Or a wind of change could comeAnd cause all that troubles the treeTo cascade to its foundation.But for now, it bends and…

2560 1920 Stafford Wood
looking for love

looking for love

I don’t think I’ll look for love again. maybe I’ll seek out a dark alley with opioid addicts, hoping for a victim from a foreign town whose absence won’t be noticed for a week or more. or perhaps I’ll take out an ad in the classifieds, if they still have those. I’ll list all of…

1920 2560 Stafford Wood


You can't yell "fire!" in a crowded theater originates in the context of

150 150 Stafford Wood


I collect people like Pokémon cards. I can tell which species they match with. I merge them to evolve into a new being. done. Discard them and send them on their way. Or I keep them wrapped tight with a rubber band for the day when I find another one.

150 150 Stafford Wood


I’m working very hard so it’s not complicated and you won’t even tell me the truth about the girl you complained about for days and the reason you wanted me to come to town

150 150 Stafford Wood

A hole in my heart

There’s a hole in my heart Where the love leaks out  Since you went to her Instead of me It makes my heart black Instead of red It makes me angry Instead of sad

150 150 Stafford Wood
Lonely Blackbird

Lonely Blackbird

The lonely blackbird criesAs she flies across the morning skyOverdue at home to a family“I’m coming, I’m coming.” With nowhere to beAnd no one to take care ofI watch. And sip my coffee.And sigh.

2560 971 Stafford Wood
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