Selected Poetry

Olga was very brave

The boy of five said to the reporterAbout his companionOn the great adventure. I imagine his mother, talking to her childrenAfraid for their safetyBut certain of the choice to flee. “Just like the movies, Aleskii.We’ll race through the streets in a car.And run across fields.And hide in ditches while the enemy passesNot everyone will make…

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Like Ann Sullivan with Helen KellerYou took a frustratedAngryDemandingObstinateTorturedWreck of a childAnd taught her to bePatient and kind. Like Henry Higgins with Eliza DoolittleYou took a courseVulgarUnkemptDisheveledBawdyWretch of an urchinAnd taught her to beGraceful enough to be wined and dined. Like Peter Pan with Wendy DarlingYou created a motherlyGentleStorytellerAdventurerAnd taught herTo dance and sing and…

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A girl who looks like a woman

How do you seduce a girlWho looks just like a woman?Delighted by laughterHer eyes flickerWhen you touch her just rightWith a word or a hand.But her heart can be brokenHer soul crushedBy a great love or a friend. She’s never been loved rightExcept by her daddyWho told her to bewareOf men with soft voicesAnd strong…

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Heart Strings

Jul 27 TetheredFrom too much timespent togetherEntangled in lifeIf never a knotIt’s still a lotTo untangleIf you or IDecideTo cut tiesOtherwiseWe continueUnitedWhile you tryTo untieMy heart strings.

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July 23 In orbit around youMy ellipse sometimes closeOften far,But always drawn backBy gravity or is it loveThat pulls me towards you? Release me from this captivitySet me free to danceNot follow this pathFind my own wayFloating through spaceAnd time. And I know I’ll fall straightInto the weightof your being,Collapsing inTo become oneOr explode.

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Opening Day

July 23 There’s something elegantAbout opening dayWhere the history of the teamIs on display and recountedFor the umpteenth timeSo that everyone knowsWhat we came from. But the slate is wiped cleanThere’s no score retainedAnd the players take the fieldReady to playHaving practiced and trainedAs if it all matteredEach time they make it home again. Confessions…

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I believe in you, a future, life and lovethough I see just where you areI know that you can swiftly moveto choose a path by morningstar Further and further from the shoreswimming straight to a riptidehopeless, listless, finding morepain at every stroke and sigh Wishing for more than a life preserver-though my God could save…

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The Abyss

I have danced around the abyss beforePerched precariouslyAlong its jagged peaksSeeking adventureJust out of reach. I have walked through the desert beforeParched and beatenBy the noon day sunSeeking fortuneOr a little fun. I have sailed in high crest seas beforePitched about on bended kneeFelt lost in time and placeSeeking paradiseAnd salvation’s grace. I have prayed…

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My hypnotist

He speaks soft and slowTelling me what nobody knowsWishing beauty into existence as golden words drip off his tongue. He comes to me late at nightSteals into my head, stays out of sightAnd creates more truth in twenty minutes than in the lifetime race I’ve run. His words plant seeds inside my mindThey grow strong…

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I will run to your fire

I’ll drown in your SorrowAnd dreams of tomorrowTil they fade from a nightmareAnd lose your fearsI’ll drown in your sorrow. I’ll breathe you new lifeAnd fill your sails and your kiteAnd the future will find a wayTo be bright.I’ll breathe you new life. I’ll build you a wayDig deeper and say thatYour troubles are mineAnd…

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