
Jena 6

From William Winters - perhaps the most important social justice issue of our time within our reach.

150 150 Stafford Wood

Eh? Come again?

150 150 Stafford Wood

Quoted in The Advocate


150 150 Stafford Wood

Fantasy Football

So, I've finally joined a Fantasy Football league. And already -- I actually care about the NFL. It's amazing -- I had no idea just the act of drafting my team would make me start thinking like they're "my guys." We'll see how I do...

150 150 Stafford Wood

Proverbs 22:29

Generally, I see the separation of church and state almost as sacred as the cross. When religion gets mixed with government, historically very bad things start to happen. Recently I received an email from a friend, who is a very religious person, and I was a little upset to see his email signature included a…

150 150 Stafford Wood

Things I want to do before I die

Great American Road Trip with Jed: Biggest ball of twine in Minnesota, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Liberty Bell -- all of it. See the Kremlin:  Stand in Red Square, maybe Tiananmen Square and stand in front of a tank. Use a Foreign Language: Actually use one of the languages that I've learned in my…

150 150 Stafford Wood

List of words Steve says that are awesome

Just so I always remember how adorable he was -- these are words that as soon as they come out of his mouth I just start smiling: Popcorn Chicken Sissy Gigi Love Robot Vaccuum (he thinks that's the formal name of any robot, due to the fact that a Roomba was the first robot he…

150 150 Stafford Wood

Protected: My Grandmother

-----Original Message----- From: Stafford Kendall Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 12:12 AM To: 'PeterMLyons@aol.com' Subject: RE: I have a question I'm sorry I didn't reply right away - last week was very hectic, we had a party for one of my clients and my business partner has had a family emergency and was out of…

150 150 Stafford Wood

Hillary or Obama

Quinn and I were discussing who she was supporting in the upcoming Democratic primary. She said that she definitely didn't want Hillary to win, lest Senator Clinton becoming the first woman President. This would mean Quinn couldn't be first, you see. She said she also thought that black people hadn't been "appreciated much lately. If…

150 150 Stafford Wood

The Mustard Seed

A Buddhist Story, not the Christian one - copied from:

150 150 Stafford Wood
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