And yet I know that you will leave me.
For a black haired raven
Or Sonoran sunset
For a green eyed black girl
With a peaceful soul
Layered on a raging heart
Instead of mine, the reverse.
But I love you still.
In orbit around your tortured soul
Seeking more, always more
when satisfaction is near
You feel the empty of those around you
And seek to pour yourself out
To fill them up.
Just a drop of you is more than I can bear.
Sweet echoes of your dreams
bring me to tears with longing.
I have no obstacles in front
No tricks you need perform
No barrier you must breakdown
Just your being is enough for me.
And so I know you will leave me.
For someone with expectations
The woman who can’t be satisfied
Who draws your soul ever higher.
And you will be great.
It isn’t the net that keeps you safe
But the peak that pulls you on
That you will always seek.
And for me, you are enough
As you are.
And you always will be.
So I won’t keep you
From your destiny.