Crossing the Tiber

Choosing a Patron Saint

I've decided I need to choose a patron saint. If Julian of Norwich had been cannonized, I would certainly choose her, but lacking her Sainthood, I can't very well have a Patron Saint who isn't a Saint. I'm not sure if I should be choosing someone who I can emulate, or choosing someone who is there…

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The Angelus

Finally memorized the whole thing... The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary: And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.  Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and…

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St. Lucia Day

After six weeks of attending Sunday Mass, and a few noon Masses, I went to my first Feast Day. Santa Lucia had always been celebrated in my house growing up, as my mother's best friend was Swedish. I sang the Santa Lucia song all the way home from church and declared to my "Godfather" that…

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All Saints Day

On November 1, 2013, I attended Mass with Father in the pulpit. This was the first time I felt a call from the Church. His homily said, "The only difference between you and the Saints in the statues in this church... the only thing that makes these people Saints, and not you, is that they…

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Why a blog?

I realized that I wanted to write my family a letter to explain my recent conversion and decision to become Catholic. And as I started thinking about the tome, it was overwhelming to sit to write. Blog posts are easy. So, hopefully, this will capture my thoughts as I journey.

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I have always been Catholic

I learned this week that the definition of "Catholic" is Universal. It means Christ's fullness was brought for all people -- universally. (Which is awesome for a Universalist to hear). When I went through Methodist confirmation, I was taught the Apostle's Creed and that "one holy, catholic church" had a lowercase "c" to mean universal.…

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