St. John’s

Genesis 1-11

1: Lots of repetition of terms. Each thing... God wants it to be this. It is this. It is good. God wants this. It is this. It is good. God gives man every plant... then in Chapter 2, He reneg's on the gift of "all" to be "all but one" 1:28, 8:17, 9:1, 9:7 -…

150 150 Stafford Wood
On the Nature of Contemplation  in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov” 

On the Nature of Contemplation  in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov” 

Stafford Wood The Brothers Karamazov Preceptorial Paper Spring 2024  It is nearly impossible to think about Dostoevsky's novel, “The Brothers Karamazov.” In order to think about a novel successfully and properly, one must hold enough details in one's mind to reflect on the characters, the plot, the dialogue, the setting, the conflicts and the themes of the work.…

240 240 Stafford Wood

The Knight’s Tale

After hearing my arguments about The Knight's Paradox on "Who Hath Suffered The Worse?," my grandmother replied: "There’s no choice so it doesn’t matter, but to never see the one you love is worse"  

150 150 Stafford Wood
The Knight’s Paradox: Who Hath the Worse? 

The Knight’s Paradox: Who Hath the Worse? 

Stafford Wood Literature Tutorial Spring 2024  “The Knight’s Tale,” the first of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, concerns two Theban prisoners serving life sentences who instantly fall in love with Emelye, the young sister of the Quene Ipolia when they see her from their cell. As I explore this tale, I will follow the knight’s lead in not questioning…

1200 1728 Stafford Wood
What is the tempo of “It” in Clarice Lispector’s Aqua Viva?

What is the tempo of “It” in Clarice Lispector’s Aqua Viva?

Stafford WoodSt. John’s CollegeLispector PreceptorialDecember 2023 What is the tempo of “It” in Clarice Lispector’s Aqua Viva? Throughout Aqua Viva, Clarice Lispector changes the pace of her writing with punctuation and paragraph marks which can feel to the reader like a lyrical ode, rather than a novel. She writes in a mélange of poetry and…

2516 2124 Stafford Wood

Federalist No. 15 as Bleak Picture of Present Circumstances 

Federalist Papers Politics & Society Tutorial Mr. Grenke Fall 2023  To convince the people of New York to vote for the new Constitution, the writers of the Federalist Papers need to explain why the current government formed by the Articles of Confederation are lacking. Hamilton writes Federalist No. 15 with this purpose and uses all manner of mockery…

150 150 Stafford Wood
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