On the day that you know
That you love someone else
Or you look in my eyes
And realize
That you’ll never kiss me
The way I want you to.
On that day,
Either one,
You have to tell me.
Because even though it will hurt
And I may never speak to you again
On that day
And only that one
There’s a chance if you tell me
I’ll still be your friend.
But if you wait
To the next day
The day after you know
I will know that you knew
And you held it in
Out of pity
For me and my idealistic love of you.
But the day that you know
Tell me that you love me
But you aren’t in love with me
And you know I deserve better
Than what you can give.
And tell me how special I am.
But then you will marry
A few months later
The girl who is good with Sidney
And easy.
But I’m hard.
So tell me when you know.